Have a fly problem? Here’s the way to get obviate flies FAST — both inside and out of doors — using proven, organic and natural control strategies.
BEST PRODUCT for Flies Fly Parasites Fly Parasites These small, non-stinging wasps attack and kill filth flies in their pupal stage. READ MORE The common house fly (Musca domestica) multiplies rapidly and is one among the foremost prevalent of all insect pests. it's been related to over 100 different disease pathogens, including salmonella, cholera and tuberculosis, so it's important to manage pest outbreaks.
Read on to find out our 10 step treatment program for getting obviate flies naturally and save pile doing it yourself! When feeding, house flies regurgitate liquid from the stomach to dissolve food, then use their sponging mouthparts to suck it up. They leave fecal spots, or “specks,” where they need walked, and during this way may transfer disease organisms to humans and animals. In rural areas, flies are often a nuisance once they gather on the surface walls of homes and buildings on summer evenings.
Identification House flies (1/6 – 1/4 inch long) are dull gray in color with reddish-brown eyes. they need two membranous wings and 4 dark stripes down the center section of their body (thorax). Females are usually larger than males and may be distinguished by the space between their eyes, which is nearly twice the space as in males. The larval stage (3/8 – 3/4 inch), also referred to as a maggot, is soft, cream-colored and worm-like
. they're typically found around rotting organic matter, like manure piles or garbage cans and are somewhat carrot shaped. Life Cycle An woman housefly will deposit several egg masses, each containing up to 130 white eggs in manure or fermenting vegetation like grass clippings and garbage. Hatching takes place in 10-24 hours; the young maggots become adult in 3-7 days, crawl to the margins of the breeding material and pupate. The pupal stage may vary long considerably, but in warm weather are often about three days. When adults emerge they start mating immediately.
a whole life cycle; egg, larva, pupa to winged adult may occur in 6-10 days under warm, moist conditions. Adults may live a mean of 30 days. During warm weather 2 or more generations could also be produced per month. How to Control Sanitation is that the best and important step in reducing pest numbers. Dry and wrap organic waste before placing it within the ashcan. Seal garbage cans with tight fitting lids.
Screen windows and doors to stay flying pests out. Use indoor traps or sticky tape to manage pests inside the house. Hang the large Stinky or other pesticide-free traps outdoors near problem areas — barns, kennels, garbage bins — to capture nuisance flies by the thousands. Follow proper manure management practices to scale back populations in animal facilities like stables and kennels.
Fly parasites are small, harmless (to humans and animals) beneficial insects that nature has programmed to attack and kill filth flies when in its immature pupal stage.
For best results, release 500 parasites per large animal (horse, cow, etc.) or 5 parasites per cu ft (manure or compost pile).
Organic diatomite may be a mild abrasive that works within 48 hours of contact to kill soft-bodied maggots. can also be applied to moist areas where its sorptive qualities effectively reduce breeding sites. Least-toxic botanical insecticides should be used as a final resort. Derived from plants which have insecticidal properties, these natural pesticides have fewer harmful side effects than synthetic chemicals and break down more quickly within the environment.